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Latest news and articles

Follow the latest projects, developments and news from the METALUSA universe.

Gare de Lessines

The Gare de Lessines project, located in Lessines, Belgium, presented significant challenges in creating a pedestrian bridge over the railway […]

Dinant Footbridge

CHALLENGE – The structure needed to be stable with pedestrians crossing while resisting the effect of the force of the […]

Tordesilhas Bridge

PROJECT The restoration and repair of the Tordesillas bridge, including the buttresses and vaults.   CHALLENGE The client wanted scaffolding […]

João Abel de Freitas Open-Air Road Tunnel

CHALLENGE – The design of the high-load shoring structure in accordance with the stability project. – The need to create […]

Open-Air Road Tunnel in Ribeira Brava

CHALLENGE – The design of the high-load shoring structure in accordance with the stability project.   SOLUTION The construction of […]

Campanhã Intermodal Terminal

CHALLENGE – To ensure the suitability and compatibility of the systems with the works project. – To design the project […]

The Silveiras Bridge
Requalification of the Beira Line. Covilhã – Guarda Section

CHALLENGE A suspended structure was assembled using the Adapt Multidirectional Scaffolding System in order to conduct the rehabilitation work on […]

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