– The layout of the structure had to meet the requirements for access and the number of seats, the obstacle being the limited amount of space.
– The terrain under the stands was uneven in two directions, thereby increasing the degree of difficulty with regard to the configuration and assembly of the structure.
Loures Carnival officially began in 1934, and is one of the biggest carnivals in the Lisbon region.
The stands erected for the 2020 edition were provided using the Adapt Bancadas system.
Due to the fact the terrain was uneven in two directions, the installation of the stands was more complex and required the Metalusa Technical Department to conduct a structural dimensioning to offset this unevenness.
Moreover, the limited space available, due to the proximity of a public road, together with the requirements with regard to the number of seats and access, put the entire versatility of the Adapt Bancadas system to the test.
The event was a huge success.