The COFIBER flat formwork system is designed for the rapid assembly of the formwork structure and formwork surface on solid, flat slabs. There are no limitations whatsoever in the creation of safe and resistant formwork structures. The savings in labour, the elimination of waste, the speed of execution and the almost immediate recovery of most of the system’s elements are important factors of competitiveness in the construction process.

This is a strong and safe formwork system. It is versatile, as the same elements are used to form all type of slab, in addition to reducing carpentry operations. It adapts to any shoring system.

The rotation cycles ensure the elements of the system removed when disassembling the formwork are available for new assembly. A rotation of 1+2 will give you three concrete pours per month, while a 1+3 rotation will result in one concrete pour a week.

Identifying and counting all the equipment when the work has been concluded is a simple task, as it is a metallic structure and cannot be used in other applications in the project.

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Construction of a concrete slab in a Shopping Centre

Construction of a concrete slab in a Shopping Centre

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