The ALUFOX System is a hybrid aluminium formwork system for the optimised construction of concrete slabs. It allows the use of 3 sub-systems:
• Head + Primary Beam (PB) + Secondary Beam (SB) + Marine plywood or three-layer panel;
• Head + PB + ALUFOX Panel;
• Mixed solution, based on the above-mentioned two subsystems;

The system allows savings in time and labour thanks to efficient reutilisation, as it enables the formwork of the slab through the heads. Hence, all the PB, SB and panels, or ALUFOX Panels are available for the next concreting cycle.
The system allows the concreting of solid slabs with a thickness of up to 45 cm (13.63 kN/m²) using ALUFOX Panels and a thickness of up to 100 cm (28 kN/m²) using secondary beams and marine plywood or three-layer panels.

Extremely easy to use, the ALUFOX System can be assembled and disassembled by a team of two operators without the need for any special tools. With all the assembly and disassembly carried out underneath this equipment, the system minimises the need to work at height, increasing safety.

Main features of the ALUFOX System:
• Quick and easy assembly;
• Light and easy-to-install components;
• Increased safety for workers;
• Minimises labour need and costs;
• Less need to stock material;
• Longer durability;
• Quality finish of the slabs.

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