The Metalusa manufacturing plant consolidated the technological investment involving an overall value of 1,250,000.00 euros

The Metalusa manufacturing plant consolidated the technological investment involving an overall value of 1,250,000.00 euros

The Metalusa manufacturing plant consolidated the technological investment involving an overall value of 1,250,000.00 euros

  • 7 June 2017

The Metalusa manufacturing plant consolidated the technological investment to improve and expand the production of scaffolding and formwork, involving an overall value of 1,250,000.00 euros, in late April.

“This investment was scheduled for the year 2009, however the global economic downturn delayed the implementation of the project. We are talking about an investment that is going to provide the company with a greater capacity to meet demand”, declared Alberto Cravo, the entity´s CEO.
With regard to scaffolding, the company possesses three robotic cells for the daily production of 2,000 units of this product, in addition to 120 vertical formwork panels per day.

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