Alberto Cravo, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Patrilar Group during the Cycle of Conferences entitled “COMPETITIVENESS, SUSTAINABILITY AND RESILIENCE IN THE CONSTRUCTION SECTOR”, at FIL

Alberto Cravo, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Patrilar Group during the Cycle of Conferences entitled “COMPETITIVENESS, SUSTAINABILITY AND RESILIENCE IN THE CONSTRUCTION SECTOR”, at FIL

Alberto Cravo, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Patrilar Group during the Cycle of Conferences entitled “COMPETITIVENESS, SUSTAINABILITY AND RESILIENCE IN THE CONSTRUCTION SECTOR”, at FIL

  • 8 November 2021

Mr. Alberto Cravo, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Patrilar Group attended a cycle of conferences entitled “Competitiveness, Sustainability and Resilience in the Construction Sector” promoted by FIL, at Tektónica 2021.


The panel was moderated by Prof. Fernando Branco and was also attended by renowned politicians, educators and businesspeople. The success of this cycle of conferences was also especially due to the experience and vision of Mr. Alberto Cravo that were shared in a space of positive exchange and debate with the other attendees.

The key points addressed by  the Chairman of Patrilar Group highlighted the importance of establishing a respectful symbiotic relationship between human values and the environment for the success of organisations and showed how the business areas of Patrilar Group develop and apply its Sustainability Policy.


See conference here.

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